Tuesday, November 16, 2010

the hunt for the Maranatha church...

We were told that it was just a couple blocks away, this little church we were hunting for... so we set off on a walk... We passed this little lumber yard, so Dale had to take a look. They chatted with the owner for a few minutes...
We walked past a lobster-pot-making place... Lobster season was approaching. After walking a few more blocks and not finding the church, a lady on the street told us that the church we were looking for was too far to walk and that we should catch the bus...
So we caught the bus. Clint rode up by the bus driver and peppered him with questions...
Isn't it a cute little pink bus?
Finally we found the church. In the "church kitchen" beside the church, the women were making coconut bread, so we went in to watch... The pastor's wife (in red) was squeezing milk out of the shredded coconut.
They were mixing up dough and adding the coconut milk to it.
Then they all got to kneading the dough. It looked like a dance troupe!! They were all really laying into that dough!
Then they cooked it over on the "stove"... they put the rolls in the big pot and covered it with a piece of tin. The fire was under it and they laid some of the fire on top of the tin, also. A great oven!!
And oh! Were those buns ever scrumptious!!! They sell these at church to raise money to "finish" their kitchen. After we were fed and had met with the pastors, we found a better place to spend our nights... And then we went back to church later that night. What a wonderful group of people. It really blessed us. And apparently we were the first visitors from outside the country that they had ever had. So they felt blessed by us also.


  1. Those look amazing...and I DO love the pink bus!

  2. Coconut bread sounds really good! Maybe post a recipe? :o) It is a really sweet little church...

    And thanks for stopping by and saying hi to Oreo. Warms my heart.


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