Tuesday, November 16, 2010

the cargo ship cruise to the island...

milling around on the docks, waiting to set sail...
cargo being stacked on the dock to be loaded onto the ship... bags of cement, mountains of toilet paper, bottled water, pop, furniture, lumber...
We finally board...across the cargo deck, past the pigs bedded down beside the ladder, up the ladder to the chair area... Under the roof, in the shade, all the chairs are full so we sit beside the railing in the sun...
patiently waiting to sail...
and waiting...
and waiting...
here are three pirates who don't do anything (piratey)....
Finally we set sail... We chug slowly up the river and after 2 hours, we pull up to a dock. Here a small drama ensues... The lumber belongs to a lady from the island, to build her house. The captain has always hauled lumber out to the island but today there is a new military officer stationed there. He has new rules...it'll cost someone extra dollars. No one wants to pay. After a few hours of discussion, the lumber is off-loaded. Oh wait, there is an understanding...the lumber starts being loaded on again... Oh wait, no. Off it goes again. After 2 hours of drama, we pull away without the lumber and head for the island. We arrive at the island 3 hours later than scheduled. We are exhausted and ready for bed...any bed.

After our cruises and bus rides, I was working on dreadlocks!!!
Our first night on the island is miserable...we go straight to a little inn right beside the docks. Dale and I end up in this little room with no fan and a nonworking air conditioner, which we paid extra for. The bed was amazingly uncomfortable. We are up early and go out and wander around the street near the docks.
wandering the streets...
The inn was called "Sweet Dreams"...huh. not so much.
This is the Captain D...the cargo ship we sailed on. The passenger area is at the back under the brown roof. There were benches, plastic chairs, and hammocks, all of which were full of travelers going out to the islands.
We were so glad to finally arrive on the island, even though the two days of travel to get there were quite an adventure. More island adventures to come...

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